游戏化学习 - Vim, Git, Bash



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游戏化学习 - Vim, Git, Bash

用玩游戏的方式学习 - Vim, Git, Bash

最近跟几个一起上云自习的小伙伴一起刷了一门MIT的公开课 "The Missing Semester of Your CS Education".

这门课覆盖了计算机专业学生常用的一些工具,有些算是生产力工具,有些算是基础常用工具,比如bash shell, Vim editor, regular expressions, Git.

Classes teach you all about advanced topics within CS, from operating systems to machine learning, but there’s one critical subject that’s rarely covered, and is instead left to students to figure out on their own: proficiency with their tools. We’ll teach you how to master the command-line, use a powerful text editor, use fancy features of version control systems, and much more!

有些工具比如vim,需要记忆很多key bindings。除了肌肉记忆,似乎并没有什么特别的捷径。一些bash commands,也是需要记忆。关于Git,我发现自己仅仅会使用一些简单语句,比如 git statusgit addgit commitgit push

快速深入学习和上手, 需要大量的重复去建立肌肉记忆。但这个过程很容易枯燥乏味。如果能玩游戏就好了,最大程度上可以保留学习的积极性,而且也有挑战和任务。就像当年学盲打,用的是小霸王学习机的打字游戏一样,不会累。学习commands也可以通过打游戏来完成,训练的就是肌肉记忆。



Editors - Vim

  • Learn Vim while playing a game Vim Adventures
    • Level 3 之后需要付费,25刀半年.


Linux Command and Bash Shell



学习Git,我是直接从基本的commands开始的,其实并不是很懂Git的设计。这个课程的Lecture 6: Version Control (git) (2020) 用伪代码讲解了Git的设计,真的是封神的一堂课,非常受用,特别是可以理解Git的设计,而不用去死记硬背。对于使用者而言,绝对是非常受用的,油管排行第一的评论:

This is by far the best video I've seen on git.`

学习Git的游戏是 "Learn Git Branching"

"Learn Git Branching" is the most visual and interactive way to learn Git on the web; you'll be challenged with exciting levels, given step-by-step demonstrations of powerful features, and maybe even have a bit of fun along the way.



As of 2022-05-09, 16:54

  • [ ] Vim Adventure: Level 7
  • [ ] Wargame: not started
  • [ ] Learn Git Branching: not started
